
We are thankful we can be used as a resource. If you use our materials, please cite them as:

Myers, RB and CM Jermaine. (2019). Data Science Tools and Models[Course Materials]. Retrieved from
Publications about this course include:
  1. Vacaliuc G MR. Hands-off: Creating Data Science Student Workspaces without Touching the Desktop.  AMIA Informatics Educators Forum; June 18-20, 2019; St. Louis, MO 2019.
  2. Myers RB VG, Kavraki LE, Jermaine CM. Breadth and Depth: An Overview of a Data Science Tools and Models Course for Biomedical Informaticians.  AMIA Informatics Educators Forum; June 17 – 20, 2019; St. Louis, MO 2019.